Media Kit

Exazyme’s mission is to make designing chemistry as easy as using an app – facilitating the ideas that shorten the wait to solve the world’s most pressing problems: from CO2 to cancer.

With Exazyme’s app, biotech innovators can discover the best possible protein for their goals while drastically reducing the number of experiments required. They may need 100 times fewer experiments than with standard methods – and achieve superior results.

Exazyme is used by protein engineers in the pharmaceutical, industrial biotechnology and green biotechnology industries. The app helps to design better drugs and therapies, chemicals and food, and improve plant properties for hardiness, productivity, and CO2 absorption.

The company was founded in 2021, with an EXIST grant from the German Department of Trade and Industry (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft). In 2022, Exazyme launched its AI driven protein design app. To expand and improve the app’s capabilities, the team successfully raised €2 million in seed funding in early 2023 (led by AIX Ventures).

The App

The Exazyme app takes starting data and predicts rounds of protein evolutions more efficiently.

Here’s how it works:
Make an account for the app.
Upload your starting data spreadsheet of at least 20 data points.
Choose between digital random mutations, digital deep mutation scans, a fixed candidate list, and more.
The algorithm predicts which sequences would improve protein properties or provides information about protein quality.
Download your results and test the design suggestions in the wet lab.
Upload your newest data to evolve the protein further.
Meet the Team
Ingmar Schuster, PhD

AI Expert & CEO - Ingmar Schuster, PhD

“Multipassionate.” That’s how you might describe Ingmar, who’s interested in everything from linguistics to computer science. And as our CEO, he gets to apply it all.

Our models of protein function rely on his 10+ years of experience in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and statistics. His knack for communication comes alive when collaborating with clients. And his forays into psychology have laid the foundation for a strong team.

Philipp Markert

Industrial Engineer & Serial Entrepreneur - Philipp Markert

As our COO, Philipp is the catalyst at Exazyme.

Having lived and worked across three continents, he’s fluent in English, German, and Portuguese.

His approach means you’ll have a structured and seamless experience — whether you apply for a job, work with us or use our app.

Harry Sevi, PhD

Machine Learning & AI for Science - Harry Sevi, PhD

Harry makes sure our models and algorithms are desirable side-kicks for scientist superheroes.

After studying applied mathematics and physics at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Harry founded his own company. He’s always looking for ways machine learning can help you focus on what you do best: getting creative and improving life.

For humanity & beyond.

Jelena Ivanovska, PhD

Biochemist & Cell Biologist - Jelena Ivanovska, PhD

As our Chief Science Officer, Jelena is our bridge between science and business.

On the one hand, her background in molecular and cell biology keeps us grounded in research and lab work.

On the other hand, she helps us see the bigger picture — and what humanity can achieve with better proteins.

Exazyme also works with recognized scientists and experts including:

Prof. Dr. Uwe Bornscheuer

Prof. Dr. Uwe Bornscheuer

Institute of Biochemistry, Universität Greifswald, Germany

World-renowned biocatalysis expert

Dr. Hugo Grimmett

Dr. Hugo Grimmett

Staff Product Manager at Toyota Woven Planet Berlin, Germany

AI product development and building startups

Prof. Dr. Matthias Ocker

Prof. Dr. Matthias Ocker

Charité Professor, CEO and Founder
Berlin, Germany

Drug development with a focus on cancer

Exazyme in action

How Exazyme helped leading synthetic biologists outperform a Nobel-prize winning protein development method by 2.8x

Exazyme’s AI-based algorithm created a list of novel protein variants for the research team at a German research institute to take to the wet lab, replacing weeks of manual modeling.

Before Exazyme

Rational design and directed evolution
Wet lab testing of 15,000+ variants
~20% active variants

After Exazyme

Algorithmic design and wet lab validation
Wet lab testing of 10 variants
90% active variants

Two of the 10 variants tested displayed enhanced properties:

  • One showed a 2.8-fold increase in catalytic rate
  • Another consumed less ATP, making it 50% more energy-efficient

For press enquiries please contact:

Exazyme GmbH
AI Campus, Max-Urich-Straße 3
13355 Berlin